Welcome to my page where I will be introducing an invention or an idea which has Islamic Origins, and then present other things which took it as influence (or stole it). You will see a common theme as to how many common things you know about have Islamic Origin.

First source of me explaining Al-Jabr, the origins of Algebra^

Second source showing Al-Tasrif, the origins of modern medicine.

Third source introducing the Islamic origins of the creation of Chess

Final source showing the first Degree-Seeking University
What all these sources have in common as explained through every source, is that they all have an Islamic upbringing, created during an Islamic rule, and all have been expanded upon and sometimes stolen, not receiving the proper credit where it is due.
All these sources work together and support the idea that many Islamic inventions have been overlooked, and not been publicized, rather many Greco-Roman ideas have been far more publicized, despite this all these creations have served as a medium for technological advancement
Thank you for taking the time in reading my findings :)
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