One of my favorite tropes is how celebrities are liberal coastal elites.
Orrrrr maybe it’s that most of these folks grew up in working class families in middle class neighborhoods and know what it’s like to put all your possessions in a car and work your butt off in service industry jobs before getting a break?
And then they made a bunch of money and were like yeah, I’m rich now, but it’s messed up how hard people have to work to make ends meet bc I know what it’s like to live in a car or share a dingy apartment with 5 people while working as a bartender?
The Trumps and Kushners are coastal elites.
Like generationally. Trump grew up rich, went to fancy schools, got to draft the dodge by having doctors sign off on his bone spurs, inherited money from his dad, never worked a real job. Same with Jared and Ivanka and Don Jr.
Funny how when you take working class white people and expose them to an environment where they are working and living alongside BIPOC and LGBTQ people all busting their jumps trying to just live their best life, that when they get rich they’re like you know what’s effed up?
But okay, they’re the “elitists.”
What about conservative coastal elites?
You know, the do nothing, expect to have and keep everything, it’s not my fault people are born poor elites?
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