Let's be very clear: Donald Trump endangers Jews.

He calls us "disloyal" & embraces white nationalists.

He pushes antisemitic lies that inspired attacks on synagogues in Pittsburgh & Poway.

The vast majority of American Jews vehemently oppose him — and polls prove it. (THREAD)
A national poll also shows Biden's lead with Jewish voters at an all-time high: 75% are supporting him.

Our Jewish community isn't buying what Trump and the GOP are selling — because we know that they are putting us and our neighbors in danger. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium.highlight-biden-s-lead-over-trump-among-american-jews-at-all-time-high-new-poll-finds-1.9245727
Many Jewish leaders have been speaking out against the Trump administration's bigoted policies from its earliest days.

In January 2017, 1,500 rabbis signed this letter calling on the admin to maintain the federal refugee resettlement program. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1-500-rabbis-sign-letter-calling-on-trump-to-support-refugees-1.5487986
If we're talking about letters signed by Jews, let's talk about this ad in the New York Times from 600+ Jewish organizations unequivocally saying: Black Lives Matter.

Together, these organizations & synagogues represent over half of American Jews. https://twitter.com/jewishaction/status/1299334025031684097
American Jews are not a monolith.

As the joke goes: "Two Jews, three opinions."

But the vast majority of us want to build a country that is truly for all of us.

We have a tradition of resisting injustice. It's time to continue that tradition.
Trump & the GOP are trying to use antisemitism to spread fear and hold on to power.

We won't be silent. That's why we're texting & calling voters in key swing states every day.

Sign up for a shift now: https://www.bendthearc.us/voteoutfear 
You can follow @jewishaction.
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