jungkook loving and caring for armys : a neverending thread
he pointed at his purple earpiece, said “ᵃʳᵐʸ” and then he- 😭😭
and he did it AGAIN :(
“the best moment is when we are with army of course” then he kisses his army tattoo and i sob
his tattoos :((
“our armys did a good job today too” and he 🥺
“you smile, i smile”
when he puts “army” in his song links i cry
here he is always taking care of armys in the audience like the angel he is
the most endearing man on the planet
“armys no matter what, be happy okay?” 😭
jungkook reading armys comments with his sparkly eyes and going :0
the way he looks at armys at concerts :((
“what makes you feel beautiful”

jungkook: “it’s army”
his little smile while he listens to armys sing
never going to forget when he jumped off the stage to greet an army in a wheelchair
“i love you army!!”
one minute and twenty seconds of him thanking and loving armys
when he came off the stage all teary eyed and thanked armys,,, i cried
jungkook is genuinely one of the most loving and caring people in the world and theres so many more examples but i can’t possibly fit them all in this thread so i’ll have to end it here :(( end of thread.
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