having a child is not easy and honestly, its not because of the child. the child is easy. the hard part is working on self to be the best parent. when you have a child, you have to do a lot of self work.
I think a lot of people think "oh im just going to parent this way and my child will adapt." no. you adapt to your child. you have to learn how to accept your child. a lot of parents try to harness their child to fit society (or their own) standards of desirability.
knowing how to accept and UNDERSTAND a person for who they are is a form of emotional maturity. that must happen w/ your child. people are quick to harness their childs natural emotions.. natural behaviors simply bc their childs energy is uncomfortable for the parent.
honestly, im trying hard. y'all know my son bounces off the walls. every time I catch myself wanting to "tame" his energy, I have to stop myself. he is an energetic child. I can't make him sit down 24/7 bc of MY anxiety. no, I have to take him outside. I have to accept who he is.
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