Not even gonna lie, this is a really good trailer
I may have criticisms about Snyder’s vision but it’s at least a whole and complete one
I don’t know how the finished cut will turn out, but I’m really interested and obviously hope for the best
Like the more I hear about the new reshoots the more extreme the possible results become, like imo l it’ll either be an incredible masterpiece or a disaster, but like it’ll at least exist for the people who wanted it and (respectfully) asked for it
Some parts of twitter try to label Snyder as conservative or just like some of his fans who are borderline alt-right and like idk man you could just not like his movies and go like me and many others
A lot of issues I had with the theatrical cut are prob the same issues I have with this one (Clark being a plot device and playing second fiddle to Bruce, Barry being not Barry, etc) but like jury is still out on how it’ll be, and I hope regardless it’s at least enjoyable
Also I just don’t like Clark specifically being a Jesus figure in this universe, mainly in how the movies embrace that when imo it should be people seeing him as that until he’s like “I’m not a savior and I’m not a messiah I’m just a guy with gifts trying to help”
I don’t think it was Snyder’s intention to be disrespectful obv, but I think it’s weird that the character made by two Jewish people is portrayed as Jesus in the movies
Idk what the point of this thread is because I defended and criticized Snyder’s vision, I’m just spitballing
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