So what does the UCP want? I am so confused .. they want healthcare but they don't want healthcare unless they can charge for it. They want education but they don't want education unless it is missing certain important aspects of history, science but can guide children to only
Seek out trade schools and not universities. They want to help the elderly but don't want to help them because they cost to much to house and take care of. They want to help the disabled.....oh wait last time I checked they actually never wanted to help them because they
Don't contribute to the economy. They hate the rest of canada, unless they are getting handouts from them. Everyone is a raging leftist lunitic that doesn't agree with them, but have no issues taking taxes from them and saying we are all in this together.
I am not sure if they hate Albertans because they are not the cash cow they thought they were going to be, or they are just to laZy to actually invest in Albertans as a whole like a province should. 🤷🤷
Oh I forgot to add they say they are going to get people back to work but then they cut for funding and jobs. They want addicts to learn a lesson and not be helped and then talk about how bad the drug issues are in Alberta.
*more funding*
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