The thing about arguing abortion or childhood transition with chuds is that you cannot win because there is no shared premises that your life matters

In both cases, the chud will happily sell out your own wellbeing to safeguard the health of a *hypothetical* people they'd prefer
People arguing against HRT for minors do not actually care about the health or well-being of trans people

They're arguing that the health and well-being of hypothetical cisgender children who MIGHT want to try HRT, and would then regret it, is more important than our own lives
It's the same kind of logic as white people going "well, if there's a nuclear bomb about to explode in the center of Manhattan and the interface to disarm it is voice-activated and the password is the N-word, can I say it then??"

It's creating a fantasia where you can be right
People close to you will literally argue against your own, actual, wellbeing as part of some effort to safeguard the health and happiness of an entirely fantastical alternate version of yourself with vividly different emotional needs

You matter less than an idyllic dream of you
But I mean that's hardly even necessary

Any trans woman's need to transition is completely, entirely immaterial contrasted with even a single, completely fictive cis person's need not to have an option made available to them that they might take and be mildly inconvenienced by
With abortion, the fact that you want the option to have one is treated as a priori indicating that your life and happiness are fundamentally irrelevant, and thereby bereft of weight against the chance of hypothetical person coming into existence whom they might like better
after all, if you want an abortion, it surely means you're gutter trash

but your baby *might* turn out to be more valuable, so your own needs are no longer worthy of calculation.

You are completely out of the accounting as long as there's this hypothetical person to hope for.
You know how in primary polling the candidates often perform more poorly than "generic Republican", or "generic Democrat"

In this case, it's like a hospital denying you lifesaving medical treatment because they want to make sure they have a room ready if Generic Patient shows up
The real temerity of it is that quite often these people won't even bother denying you're right about your own needs

There's no rhetorical demand to prove childhood transition WOULDN'T make trans people happier, or that going childless would make any person happier

Who cares
Yuuuuuuuuup. That too. It's all of a piece.
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