I have a moment to go through this @RollingStone article on Erik. I refuse to call him Prince. and most of you will know why. There is only one and he would never betray us like this. https://www.rollingstone.com/author/seth-hettena/
This piece is really long & detailed. A lot about his actions overseas. I'm going to focus on his domestic actions starting here...

spent much of the Obama admin abroad, he never gave up on regaining the influential place he once had in the military-industrial complex.
Now someone in 2016 is running for office and he sees his opportunity. I'm going to let you guess why.

But I will add this player to the mix

“Did Julian Assange chicken out?” Erik asked.

“The payload is still coming,” Stone told Erik

edited the names cause I said I would.
Here I will share my disstain for those that considered wikileaks and GG journalists. @ me if you want.
The real story is buried here. and there is a reason why. I'll get to it.

This back and forth is not only public because of a trial. It's in the Meuller report yet this wasn't all that they did. But nothing really done about it because of who the targets were.
Our report was the first to say we were overwhelmingly the target but from at least 2018 we also knew about the domestic versions of this. But sure its the outsiders not here on this land right in front of your face.
And what states were his margin of win so narrow but he won anyway.

“urban radio” in cities with large African American populations, including Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee."

Remember my impact stories about the "both the same" campaign.
Funny how those that work to silence us take actions like these but feign innocent. They even have names for their campaigns targeting us.

Who's defending us from this? I guess it's just us I guess. [Insert my shrug gif]
power and money are revealed here. being seen as relevant while attempting to destroy a community for your personal gain.

"facing irrelevance in Washington power politics after his Blackwater debacle and acrimonious relationship with the Obama-Clinton Democratic party."
So when I see campaigns about "both the same" no matter where it has evolved I will remind you of all the bad actors that use that exact same thing.

And every time I see debates about power and money but not about policies imma stomp here too.
Now Erik admits to not agreeing with #AgentOrange45 initially but went on hunting trips with his sons (insert those images of them here) and hung out with officials close to him and well now all in.

Funny how that works.
Ever wonder why they refuse to deny using foreign assets in their campaigns. BTW its illegal but ok.
Guessing there were plenty of meetings in those Towers with Foreign entities soliciting "dark arts" tactics. I guess that's why he called his company BlackWater right?

And somehow Stone gets to walk?
And Erik goes to talk to a dude in Russia that once worked for Goldman Sachs about options now that their guy won. direct connections to Putin but he lies to Congress about it. He shares that intel with Bannon. Prosecutors are making a decision on what to do anddddd... nothing.
It's ironic how our justice system seems to work for some.

But what is more interesting is just maybe Mueller wasn't actually done with all of the investigations. Including what Strzok left behind didn't get investigated either. Ie. Following the money.
Let me count right here on all the people and entities that participated in targeting Black Voters.
Erik Prince, Roger Stone, RNC, Bannon, Flynn, Brad Parscale, Kushner, #AgentOrange45, soda, Blexit, walkaway, demexit, state officials (list too long), some Isreali co, Russia...
Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, Twitter, youtube....
I guess I should stop here and ask you. Wonder why so many for little ole us unimportant Black folks.
I'll end my rant here so I can get back to work on our last week of actions.

http://stopdigitalvotersuppression.net .
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