If you want to talk about diversity and inclusion, then talk about occupational licensure.
32 years ago, minorities got better rights to own property with the passing of the Fair Housing act 1988 amendments.
At the same time the number of jobs that required occupational licensure started increasing.
5% of jobs in 1950's required occupational licensure.
25% of jobs today require occupational licensure.
This increases the rate at which ex-cons end up back in jail.
At the same time, we've also made it impossible to start some small businesses - for example - a food truck because of regulations. This used to be the path to bootstrapping and scaling a restaurant.
At the same time, an entire group of minorities and ex-cons were being released from jail and started being enabled to own property, they were barred from 1/4th of all US jobs.
States with more occupational licensure requirements have double the rate of recidivism to states with weaker occupational licensure.
"Several studies have linked occupational licensing laws to higher rates of recidivism. ... These 'prohibition states' experienced a 9.4 percent increase in recidivism rates compared to an average increase of 2.6 percent.
Meanwhile, recidivism rates actually decreased by 4.2 percent in the least restrictive states."
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