ok WOW uh 40 of my mutuals follow cannedt/ins.......... do people really not know about the stuff they did???
cw // suicide baiting and grooming
tins has threatened suicide on people, is friends king fran petty on ao3 who has written very nasty things (child abuse, grooming, pedophilia), and when confronted about their behavior they do not take responsibility unless made to. (1/?)
(2/?) they have been given several chances to change in the past but ultimately have continued to make the same mistakes and have hurt many people. there's more to this that I have not been able to find receipts of but if you do have them, please feel free to share.
cw // suicide baiting
receipt for the aforementioned threatening of suicide. if you're in any of these screenshots and you want me to take them down let me know!!
tw // pedophilia , rape , grooming
some screenshots of king fran petty's ao3 works so you know who exactly tins hangs around with. 😬
cw // kingfranpetty
here's the receipt of tins being friends with kingfranpetty. tins requested this jim fanfic from KFP.
tw // pedophilia (?), grooming (?) , suggestive
tins ran the jim account and rped this with silas, who is a MINOR. tins is a 22 year old. a 22 year old should know better than to talk about suggestive topics with minors.
tw // pedophilia
someone sent me this as well
tw // threatening death
here are the screenshots someone sent me of tins threatening to die to them 😬
tw // pedophilia , ableism , r slur , nsfw ment
some more accounts regarding tins' behavior
cw // nsfw ment , kingfranpetty
um.. i saw that tins was trying to lie about not liking KFP/finding their works disgusting, here's proof that they've bookmarked and liked KFP's fics before.
more is going to be added to this thread tomorrow hopefully, someone who has been a big help in this is helping gather up more receipts but they're taking a break for tonight (as am i lol) so! tomorrow-ish
also um, i saw some moots interacting with tristan and I just wanna make sure you guys know that tristan is a close friend of tins and supports tins in spite of this thread
tw // pedophilia , grooming
cannedtins, when they were TWENTY, OPENLY discussed sexual content/fetishes with a 13 year old minor, KNOWING the minor was 13, grooming the minor into having sexual discussions with them. i repeat, tins KNEW this minor was 13. tins is a groomer.
tw // pedophilia , grooming
louie/pridestone_ is the minor groomed by tins & gave me permission to post. here is tins BLAMING louie for letting tins groom him (???) and completely downplaying the situation to make themself look better. tins knew louie was 13 the whole time.
louie's old url was pridestone_ by the way, it's now @cl0vercore_ ! i ran out of room to say it but he gave me permission to identify himself in this thread.
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