Purpose and Work ethic

The best foundation for success

Having purpose in your life is critical to having success of any kind.

If you do not have a purpose and just got about the day with an eh attitude, you will get eh results.
What do you mean by having a purpose?

What I mean is a driving reason for doing what you do.

“I do it because it’s cool” is not a purpose

“I do it because everyone doubted me” is a purpose
Overnight success 99.999999999% of the time meansI worked my ass off for years upon years , “failed” more times than I can count, but never gave up.

Your willingness to accept failure, learn from it, and try again is your work ethic.
Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times when creating the light bulb

When asked about it, he said he succeed over 1,000 times in finding out what did not work.

That’s work ethic.
Both of these components combined are a great foundation to becoming wealthy and successful in whatever you do.
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