i want to tell my story with discovering Louis tomlinson.
So it all started when I was 12 and my bestfriend committed suicide and i got to my lowest point in life.
It was horrible and a few months after she committed i started self harming.
I didn't think that it was ever going to get better and to be honest it didn't get better for a very long while.
About a year after this i was diagnosed with Autism and adhd and that just made it even worse.
I felt so weird.
Like i was a stranger in this world.
I hated everything
Including myself and i did some stuff that im still not ready to talk about.
A doctor made me answer so many questions and they told me that i hade been depressed since i was nine.
I finally realised that life wasn't supposed to be like this.
It wasn't supposed to be this hard+
I then realised that i have to help others kids so they won't feel like stranger's too.
I started writing a book about being different and it's now going to be published.
I also started a YouTube channel where i talk about autism.
And somewhere in the middle of all this chaos+
I found Louis.
And i found two of us, and for the first time in two years i felt my bestfriend again.
I felt her in the song.
I could relate so much to that song and suddenly i didn't feel so alone anymore.
I hade Louis.
Everytime i felt alone or missed my bestfriend i played+
Two of us and I just knew that i wasn't alone.
I very quickly got obsessed with walls and that album saved me.
And i could never thank Louis enough for writing two of us.
That song gave me my bestfriend back.
And everytime I got the urge to self harm i listened to walls and i+
Just knew that Louis cared about me.
Today im 5 months clean and i no longer feel like a stranger.
I know that even if i struggle sometimes i still belong here.
And im gonna keep fighting for the rest of my life thanks to Louis.
This man and his music saved my life.
I would really appreciate it if you could tag Louis.
I just want him to know how much he means to me and how much his music helps people.
Because i know that im just one out of many people who Louis have helped.
You can follow @otbwalls_kmm.
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