Look at the world, the child you gave birth to, stands to inherit & tell me Fred – is this is the sort of hill you want to make a stand on – calling people, including loads of bereaved mothers, “transphobes” because they objected to the erasure of the word “mother”by a -> https://twitter.com/freddymcconnell/status/1320294242955165696
2/ charity founded to support bereaved mothers?
At least @SandsUK had the good grace & common sense to backtrack.
“Mothers & other birthing parents” would've been inclusive - erasing the word ‘mother’ isn't just a step too far, it’s a running jump into political quicksand.->
3/ There’s an old pre-DNA saying: "maternity's a certainty; paternity's an opinion".

There's a powerful material reality underpinning that - the same reality that’s the foundation of most people’s deep-rooted attachment to words like mother, woman, female. ->
4/ It's arguably the most ancient of all human realities, with roots that run far too wide & deep to be dug out as a result of sometimes petulant, sometimes bullying demands from a tiny minority mostly living, not just inside the imperial bubble, but within the well-buffered ->
5/ coordinator class that helps keep the bubble intact & inflated.

Outside the bubble & that strata, most of human, & all of other life, still moves to more ancient & foundational rhythms.

I suggest you take the literal or figurative ear buds out & have a listen. ->
6/ You won’t succeed in undermining the deep beliefs in the material realities that underpin the word “mother” with this sort of foot-stamping in the name of “inclusivity” – but you might very well help erode wider support for far more important aspects of inclusivity. ->
7/ So, a word in your shell-like Fred, my old china, ease off on the entitlement pedal & learn to pick your battles.
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