LMFAO https://twitter.com/FRANCE24/status/1320455607187460096
The audacity. This country doesn't get enough hate for its dark past, its refusal to acknowledge it, and its blatant Islamophobia.
Typical colonialist country built on looting and murdering.
They're now oppressing the Muslim minority by imposing stricter bans on niqabs and hijabs, by putting measures to modify "Islam" to fit La Republique, and by shutting down mosques and Muslim charities. All in the name of secularism. What a joke.
Some asshat of a politician there is even suggesting the removal of halal food aisles in supermarkets because La Republique is secular and y'know, when in Rome... screw dem Muzzies haha.
Oh, yeah. Hate speech is allowed there as long as it is toward Muslims, and it is called "Freedom of Speech"
Freedom of speech is grand, but I don't know, chief.
When a minority that is constantly scrutinized and demonized by your media and government is frequently targeted with satire, you're just pouring gasoline flames.
And it's not any kind of satire. It is of the highly offensive calibre. Depicting the Prophet of Islam is forbidden and considered blasphemy by Muslims. Depicting the Prophet of Islam in tasteless caricatures is highly offensive to Muslims.
I'm not defending the terrorist's act. May he and his likes rot in hell.
However, I will not stand by this freedom of speech bullshit. This is hate speech masked as freedom of speech. Reminds of a milder form of Nazi propaganda targeting Jews.
So no. This sorry ass of a country doesn't deserve any sympathy. Systematically oppressing and minorities. The results are hate crimes that rarely make international headlines. Two Muslim women got stabbed by the Eiffel Tower, yet La Republique didn't make any grand gestures
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