Are you concerned about what's happening to caregivers on college campuses?

We've got updated data on caregiver feelings, campus accommodations, and testimonies from caregivers at universities.

tldr: it's really bad.
Here's who we've been talking to:

adjunct faculty, graduate students, research staff, librarians, administrators, tenured faculty

people with small children, with disabled partners, with sick parents; people caring for nieces and nephews and friends and loved ones
Here's what we've learned:

We have data on over 120 institutions in North America and beyond, and less than 10% are providing any financial or logistical support to caregivers in the pandemic.
Institutions are only providing minimal scheduling support.

While 68% of institutions are offering some kind of work-from-home option or flexible scheduling, there are very few other logistical accommodations being offered for caregivers.
Institutions are not communicating clearly or effectively.

While 42% of institutions have acknowledged the the impact of caregiving, less than 20% are communicating their policies clearly or treating it as an equity issue.
Pandemic caregiving affects all sectors of our communities, and it is also an equity issue.

It harms the careers of women, people of color, and those without generational wealth, especially those who are precariously employed.
Are you a caregiver? We'd like to hear from you. We could especially use input from graduate students, adjuncts, and non-faculty staff.
You can follow @hralperta.
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