Bc dudes will say this without any damn research on period poverty, I will be providing YET ANOTHER thread of petitions, information, and resources to donate to, for people who can not afford pads or tampons: https://twitter.com/_craigmac/status/1320370062436564992
There are multiple petitions that are trying to get enough signatures but also writing/ calling your local officials and school district leaders to BUG THEM about this will help https://www.change.org/p/publicize-the-pad-free-access-to-sanitary-pads-for-all-women
Do not forget that this is not just an American issue/ argument. Period poverty happens EVERYWHERE and these resources should be ACCESSIBLE EVERYWHERE. https://www.change.org/p/united-nations-sanitary-pads-should-be-free
IF you are confused on what period poverty actually is I suggest reading the next few articles and understand how it affects people with uteruses
This study breaks down the different aspects, affects and legalities of period poverty:

Again, this is a problem that goes beyond the people you know, period poverty is a global problem that is not taken seriously because opinions like ^^^ dude there, diminish a reality for some people. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/period-poverty-everything-you-need-to-know/
Lastly, here are some organizations if you would like to help donate pads/ tampons or if you need these resources for yourself/ someone you know♥️
Free the Tampons is an organization that “freely-accessible menstrual products in every restroom outside of the home” read and donate below⬇️

Also @HappyPeriodOrg is a national organization. Support as well!!

If you live in Inglewood, California my mother and I started a hygiene closet at our church around 2 years ago. please contact me and we can also get you the necessary resources♥️✨ never feel ashamed for reaching out!!!
This is the end of my thread but again, PERIOD POVERTY IS A GLOBALLY REAL PROBLEM and any way that you can help will positively affect someone’s life so please educate yourself, donate, and talk to officials that do not care because we can make a change♥️✨
Also if you have any resources or petitions pls drop them here!!!
You can follow @shaa_niel.
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