Narcissists hunt everybody, anybody who will buy into their shtick which is usually all about portraying them as the victim of their previous partners, and if only they could find a really great partner, which they hope will be you! then they could show how great they really are.
narcissists tend to churn through lots of partners, they are out there in higher numbers on the hunt than in the general population. this applies to any & every relationship, not just romantic.
the number one red flag for a narc or a sociopath is a play for sympathy. they always want your sympathy, because they know when you feel sorry for them, they can get away with more bullshit & manipulation. they're always a victim.
narcissism is NOT rare at all. there are millions of narcs. the only reason you keep ending up wiht them is due to your lack of boundaries. work on setting up strict boundaries, the narc garbage will take itself out. It's like magic.
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