Circa 2012 this is.
While i absolutely love my corporate work, i totally miss class & dancing.
The best thing i ever did was moving to Shri Shijith Nambiar (Anna) and Smt Parvathy Menon (Akka), alumni of Kalakshetra for advance learning .
They gave me an opportunity to savour that Baani , something that ive always admired and watched since childhood, due to family association.
Today when i look back, the period of training under them was a major factor in shaping my attitude towards a lot of things in life.
From time management, to deep concentration, whatever i practiced then with caution, has become instrinc to me now.
Must say, i was a troublesome student , a late teen - early 20s girl, used to get nicely scolded by both of them !
While my parents, uncle, grandparents (a joint family) constantly gave me advices & made sure i was on right path, i listened to my teachers more 😁.
Physical and mental pain endurance was something i was very fussy about as a child, if not for intense sessions & constant push
with them, i would have never broken that shackle. A lot of my insecurities dissolved.
Coming from a dharmic , orthodox ritualistic family, & into performing arts , (both music and dance) my association with my teachers helped me dwell deeper into our culture and traditions.
As two artists who gave importance to quality, perfection, spiritual impact, than mere number of performances, i was at peace while going to them for these reasons.
Indian classical arts are not just for mere entertainment like other forms, its a Veda Anga, part of templeRitual
..a Shastra , a means that's supposed to elevate you, taking you closer to the Paramatma.

And its very important to find teachers who dont teach you just " pieces to perform", but guides you to internalize this .
If you have the time, or if you have kids please give them the opportunity to learn Bharatiya classical arts.
One need not become a professional, but exposure to this, opens up a huge dimension to our culture, lets the creative side of the brain work and eventually make you..
..a better person.
I am fortunate to grow up with very fine art at home, (both paternal and maternal households being connoisseurs).
Dharmic teachers like mine, just amplified the whole experience, even more personally.

Happy #Vijayadashami all of you!
#Navaratri #Hinduism
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