With regularity, I hear the case for masks being supported by the fact that it is a mainstay in Asia, not about the science. Communist and Socialist countries have a history of proven psychological subservience by culturally pushing mask-use. https://twitter.com/richardursomd/status/1320063049097687041?s=21
2) The question is, do they mitigate viral spread? Asia is rife with respiratory illness. You repeatedly hear “listen to the science” but what they really mean, is listen to the bureaucrats, because if the science is objectively analyzed, this never would have been a guideline.
4) The primary argument for the use of masks is that this 0.09 micron virus is transmitted through droplets. That simply is a falsehood. If a patient with a deathly allergy to peanuts enters a room with bowls of peanuts and consumption taking place, say, in an airplane,
5) will a mask prevent anaphylaxis? Absolutely not. The same holds true with viral particles in the air and on surfaces. There is over 100 years of research proving as such, yet for the first time in history, this is being enforced as a current strategy. https://threader.app/thread/1312534000095817728
6) Why is that? #JAMA and #CCP-aligned #NEJM bot declined to publish a Danish landmark scientific study concluding masks were ineffective. Their stance is that they“ethically’ cannot print studies that go against guidelines. Is this science orstate-run propaganda and dishonesty?
7) Providing a warm, moist, CO2-rich environment with limited perfusion of breath for hours a day does not optimize one’s immune system let alone mitigate viral spread. Masking healthy people at their jobs and schools is tantamount to inviting secondary infection.
8) Most of the deaths from the 1918 Flu pandemic was not caused by H1N1, they died WITH H1N1 (sound familiar?) and because of secondary bacterial infections, due to those wearing masks to try to “protect” themselves at that time. #Fauci KNOWS this
9) as he co-authored a paper of frozen lung tissue analysis from Alaskans who died of the Spanish Flu when the NIH “recreated” the eradicated Flu strain to “study” it. He is fully aware that the masks among the population contributed to their death, https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic
10) yet he is all too happy to issue this as a guideline when he was vehemently against it for 40 years of his career. #CCP get to him?
11) Now, back to the epidemiology. The most recent CDC study of positive infections highlighted the conditions which they contracted the virus. 75% of those cases wore a mask WITHOUT FAIL, and 10% wore one most of the time.
12) That makes 85% of those cases from those who wear a mask, yet non-maskers are shamed? This is 100% a repeat of history from 1918-masks increasing illness and those who don’t wear them, getting shamed and virtue signaled. Do we not learn from history? https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf
13) Every country and state that issued a mask mandate or enforced its use have shown a spike in cases. The science indicates that there is a 1-2 day window of infectivity. If you are sick, simply stay home. If you carry dead fragments, old infection,
14) or low loads that do not transmit, you are providing IMMUNITY for others! Those who disagree with this should also then refute the efficacy and need for vaccines because this is no different! You are either getting injected with attenuated virus, https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m3862
15) or you are exposed to it from others in its attenuated form. You cannot refute one without the other.

16) What else can facilitate this immunity among the population? Providing low cost, efficacious treatment and prophylaxis for all. With so may targets for binding interruption, and so many compounds with proven safety available and fine-tuned,
18) To line the pockets of pharma for patented, unproven treatment like the non-efficacious and cost-prohibitive #Remdesivir? Or to make a case for continued draconian measures and perpetuate fear and propped-up statistics? https://twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1317510232503951361?s=20
20) Or is it all three reasons and nothing else! How is this in the best interest of public health by tax-funded health organizations? It isn’t! The CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, WHO have not had our best interest as part of policy for decades. https://c19study.com 
22) Direct quote from Forbes in 2010: "The MILDEST pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people"

Coronavirus deaths just passed 1 million

According to Forbes, COVID-19 just finally qualified as a mild pandemic.
25) washing hands, staying home when sick are still and always will be, the most effective measures.There is a reason classic scientists like myself and a host of others are being censored and why papers disproving the current policies are being rejected https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD/status/1317828014105890816?s=20
What is it all about? https://twitter.com/wef/status/799632174043561984?s=20
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