It's the first day of #AceWeek and also #AudioDramaSunday! This is going to be a thread of some of my favorite audio fiction shows with confirmed Ace characters!
@LoveLuckPodcast is a romantic slice of life story with a touch of magic. I adore this beautiful show with amazing representation. It's got two characters who are Ace, CJ and Ricardo.
@thebeaconpod is a story about friendship and superpowers. I love the characters in this show and how they interact with one another. The main character, Bee, is Ace!
@VALENCEpod is about the intersection of technology and magic, capitalism and privacy. It's a gripping story where the stakes keep rising. Sarah Harris and Grace Chen are both Ace!
@inkwyrmpodcast follows an intergalactic fashion publication. It's slice of life meets sci-fi, and I adore all the characters and their quirks. Dr. Robert Alphelion is Ace!
@LessIsMorgue is a podcast where a ghost and and a ghoul talk about stuff. This show is fun and hilarious, and it gets incredibly wild at times. One of the co-hosts, Riley, is Ace!
@needsanamepod is a beautiful and heartfelt sci-fi show, with wonderful characters and stunning writing. Izley Kolian is Ace and Cyrus Castillo Rodriguez is Demi.
@dininginthevoid is a sci-fi horror mystery about alien celebrities trapped on a space station. It's gripping and emotional, and the soundtrack is amazing. Tala and Aveline, two of the people stuck on the station, are both Demi.
@TidesPodcast is about a xenobiologist trapped on an unfamiliar planet. It's an exciting scifi show with wonderful acting. Melissa is Ace and Monty is Demi!
@godsheadpod is about a city full of gods. And pigeons. It's a hilarious show with very fun characters. One of the characters, Em, is Ace!
@MtOlympusU is a show about a school for gods from mythology and beyond. The main character, Pandora, is super endearing. She's also Demi!
@arsPARADOXICA is a time-travel extravaganza of a show. It's also a completed series, so you can jump in now and listen to it all. The main characters, Dr. Sally Grissom, is Ace!
@brightpodcast is a fantastic show about therapy and superpowers. It's also a completed series! This was the first audio drama I listened to with a canon Ace character, and I hold Chloe very close to my heart.
@SidequestingPod is my own show! It's a fantasy series about avoiding the main plot, and the main character, Rion, is Ace!
You can follow @starplanes.
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