We've pretty much all seen this, or something like it.. but what does it really mean?

On the one hand, and the way most lefties probably want to interpret it, is that it's a kind of call to arms for all dumb angry white men to rise up and start a right wing wave of violence...
Which you know, would be destructive and not intelligent and certainly very fascist and racist.

But there's another meaning, that is I think I lot more aligned with reality, and it's all to do with voter turnout.

In 2016 only about 100 MILLION eligible voters didn't vote.
Now let's ask ourselves- Who are these people?

Well, these are, almost by definition, the apolitical people, who just want to be left alone, who for a whole host of reasons, choose not to participate. Another way to put it is that these are the people who have a life.
They have a life and are plenty busy enough with that thank you very much. They have jobs, families, hobbies, interests, all kinds of things they'd rather focus on than freakin' politics, which for the vast majority of sane Americans, is a never ending fountain of disgust.
Now enter 2020.

Protests, riots, every flavor of covid-19 BS, lockdowns, mask mandates, burning cities, looting, violence, beloved monuments and statues defaced & destroyed, all manner of Leftard BLM/antifa bullshit on nightly display in way too many American (democrat) cities
And for a large swath of that 100 million, they realize, "Well, you may not be interested in politics, but guess what Leftist Bullshit politics is interested in YOU. It's coming for your cities, your job, your streets, your business, maybe even your house."
And so now, all those people "Who just want to be left alone get involved." And what does that mean? It doesn't mean they're arming up and gearing up and heading for downtown, no. What it means is that this year, they're finally sick of it. This year they're gonna vote.
Because they realize:
And they further realize that the freakin political earth needs good and well to be god danged SCORCHED
So of all those 100M, it's not the left-leaning I think who are being activated by right-wing outrages this year, because news flash, THERE AREN'T ANY, but rather it's the centrist/right-leaning normies who have had enough of left-wing outrages and appreciate DJT is their shield.
They're the ones coming out to the rallies, joining the parades, lining the streets. They're the ones swelling the early voter turnout stats. They're the ones who are gonna crash down with thunder in a huge red wave on election day.
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