So these signs are going up all over Caledonia warning people about Black Lives Matter coming in from Toronto and violence planned by Indigenous people. My oldest messages me to find out what's going on because a woman he knows is freaked out.
She's a settler in the area and her husband is staying home with guns to protect his house and my kid asks me what's going on. Nothing. Nothing is going on.

And all I can think, is what did we ever do to you?

In 150+ years of Canadian history what did we ever do to you?
Did we put you in residential schools?

Sell you as slaves?

Contain you to reservations?

Starve your communities?

Fill our jails with your sons and daughters?

Do we destroy your fishing boats? Burn down your warehouse?

What did we ever do to you?
Did we move into your land, filling your space and pushing you out until you were homeless in your own community?

Did we kill all your cattle so you had nothing to eat?

What did we ever do to you?
Did we rape your women and murder your men?

Did we forbid you from practicing your religion or refuse to hire you?

Did we mock and isolate your queer folk until they wanted to die?

What did we ever do to you?
Did we punish you for speaking your language or control how much produce you could sell or forbid you from leaving your neighbourhood without permission?

Did we strip you and leave you in the cold to die?

Did we slaughter your dogs.

What did we ever do to you.

What did we do
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