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i know you are sad and i know you are tired enough to face all of this alone
i know you still keep fighting to forget about him/her
babe, stop crying bc of him/her, it's not worth it, it waste your time and waste energy
he/she doesn't thinking about you at all, you have to remember that he's/she's the reason why you are crying
it's okay babe, it takes time to heal, i know you can, yes you can, you have to believe in yourself
you are handsome/pretty, i know you have a good heart, you are loyal, you deserve to be happy, you deserve someone who can make you happy and forget about all sadness
what goes around comes around, karma issa real, trust me one day dia akan rasa apa yang kau rasa
so know, you have to wake up, don't cry, you have Allah to tell everything if you don't have listener, Allah know what's the best for you
you are stronger than you think, keep that in your mind
you have to wakeup sayang, stop crying, make yourself proud first, be a better version of you, make your parents proud
learn to love yourself, make time for yourself, just do what makes you happy, find your hobby
Allah tau apa yg kau rasa, Allah dengar semua rintihan kau, Allah tau apa yg terbaik untuk kau, memang kau rasa dia yg terbaik untuk kau tapi one day Allah akan hadirkan kau dgn orang yg lebih baik dari dia, banyakkan doa okay🥰✨
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