I hate that the flag has come to mean racist conservative. Possibly an unpopular opinion but I love this country. I abhor the way half of our politicians are acting & that some people support it. Most of our population wants massive change & this country belongs to us, not them.
So here's my thing, though I frequently say "I hate this country" I don't. I hate the injustice, I hate the systemic, institutional, & structural inequality set up by people in power who benefited (& continue to benefit) from this inequality. I hate the greed & privatization of
basic human needs, the profiting off of our justice system. BUT, hear me out. Our country claims to stand for better things. & not to be like that scene in news room, but a majority of our population wants to make our country really stand for that. So when people go to trump
rallies, or drive their cars through protests, or protest people wanting human rights decked out in American flags, or fly it with a confederate flag, they are not representative of America or the ideals the majority of us are fighting for. This thread is at the risk of seeming
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