why yll saying “hello kitty says acab” is problematic
let’s start by japans soft power:

“a marketing term adopted by the government of Japan as well as Japanese trade bodies seeking to exploit the country's culture industry. It has been described as a form of soft power.”
hello kitty is a great example of japans soft power, since uses kawaii power 2 hide all of japans wrong uses, and it works many people believe that japan is this “soft country” that will never do nothing wrong it’s the opposite
japan has been a right wing government for many decades but the soft power they have hides it very well , and that twisters people mind to think japan is this perfect country where everything is pink ,cute and “kawaii”
and ACAB goes against everything japan has so please stop saying that “hello kitty says ACAB” homegirl don’t got a mouth 😭
also yll r making acab a aesthetic when it’s not
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