question thread for DICES MUTUALS hi DICES MUTUALS i LOVE YOU ALL /p now pls partake in my survey THANKS ALR HERE WE GO
1. hello!
2. ur name and pronouns??
3. how has ur day been so far
4. alright now onto the important questions
5. what do you think is going on in my brain based on my tweets
6. is there a tweet that has made you consider unfollowing me?? if so, which one(s)
7. did you know that ur cool as hell and this is true because dice said so
8. what was your first impression of me?
9. whats ur favorite song??? or a song you'd recommend to me?
10. constructive criticism for my entire being???
11. dance for me garfield 🕺🕺🕺
12. do you wish i tweeted less?? be honest i will not get offended /srs
13. im running out of questions i hope youre enjoying this thread 🕺
14. have you drank water today?? no??? you should do that soon
15. alr im done you should dm me you wanna dm me so bad you want to be friends with me so bad it makes you look pathetic /lh
You can follow @denkicraft.
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