The reason he’s doing this is that they have been criminally incompetent. Rather than owning up to it, they’ve decided that Americans — fatigued from the slog — will accept the needless deaths. This is a political calculation that might appeal to more people than their rallies 1/
Remember that they slow rolled on reasonable gun legislation after the horror of Sandy Hook and the many other senseless massacres of the innocent and it worked. Americans love nothing more than what’s next and this will appeal to the base instincts of far too many to move on 2/
Why listen to health care experts who want you to eat your vegetables & make the hard choices to save lives. The most shameful characteristic of Americans is an obsession with individualism to the most selfish degree using love of liberty as the excuse for juvenile behavior 3/
This toxic attitude stretches from those superspreader rallies to the unfettered digital platforms to this homicidal/suicidal White House. Don’t tread on me has morphed into that snake that is eating itself.
They put children in cages & have not suffered for that; they mocked the infirm & have not been held accountable; they have supported racist tropes & attacked POC, the military, gays, women and anyone in their way & they have won. Why stop now? 5/
This is shoot the moon time — and a very dark and dire moon it is. They are going to play this one to the end and it might work. So vote FFS or we’ll need a lot of courage for what comes next because no one is coming to help us except us. 6/
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