I said I was going to wait till 6pm, but the I saw these tweets with @PalePinkCrayon @killyou_ @ladefalobi accusing me of hacking Olive’s account to silence her.
My next post is a (video)voice recording of Mercy admitting to trying to log in to Olive’s page to help delete tweets.
I have plenty voicenotes so we die here!
@PalePinkCrayon @ladefalobi @killyou_ @cynnerr Mercy!!! Here we go.
This is a voicenote of mercy denying that she sent olive, I asked her to tell @_zayit_ to take down her tweets and apologize but they decided to lie that I hacked her instead.
Mercy and Olive!!! You people are wicked!
@TomTommieTommy and the likes have brought serious allegations including something about me damaging Mercy’s property.
Here’s a voicenote of our conversation where she kept deflecting and kept insisting that I should lock my Twitter for the time being, which I graciously did.
In this voicenote, I confronted Mercy about the fact that she raped me!
She tried to beat about the bush but she apologized!!!
Why is @TomTommieTommy insisting I wasn’t raped?
Are you people not evil like this?!
@TomTommieTommy heard Mercy apologize for raping me but for some reason This bloody rape apologist insists that I deserve to be raped!!!!
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