One of the low key best parts of the NDP majority win in BC yesterday is that we’re going to get to watch a side-by-side, 2 1/2 year comparison in political philosophies in action under the pretext of a global crisis. 1/
This is how you learn who stands for people, and the public good, and who stands only for themselves, their ambitions, and greed.
Case in point: The UCP is holding their AGM where they discuss strategy and policy proposals with *their party members*. This is the philosophical party of the year for them, where their “ideas” (lol) get voted on by members and moved forward to actual government policy.
The photo we’ve all seen by now though, says out loud what observers have known for years. The core foundational pillars of conservative messaging are: Fear, Greed, Anger, and Results.
This is how they get elected. They scare you and your mom and grandpa into thinking the boogeyman of tax insolvency is under the bed. They have no solid or new ideas to work from, they’re just consistently rehashing a 50-year old Idea off tax cuts for the wealthy...
... resulting in lower and lower public revenue that requires a sell off of public assets (AGT, ATCO, and now public parks) to maintain the appearance of revenue, while raising prices on everything we do, because business’s primary concerns are limitless profit and growth.
It’s all right there buds, the philosophical message of conservatives everywhere. I hope any of my pals who weren’t aware of this before will take the time to read more closely, and to seek a different POV when making decisions about politics.

They said the quiet part out loud.
This went out on my FB page, I know y’all know what’s up around this platform. I have blue collar buds who lap up the dog whistles and hopefully they’ll come around. \\m/
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