It's incredible that our government let hundreds of thousands of people die from a preventable disease and then put federal troops on the street to quell protests against police brutality and Americans still say *other* systems of government are tyrannical, oppressive, and deadly
"Communism is EVIL," I declare as I step over the corpses of America's nursing home residents. "Socialism is just unmitigated cruelty," I say, as I watch cops kneeling in people's backs across the country. "It's anti-freedom!" I shout as federal agents whisk me into a van.
"Do you want to live under one-party rule?!??!" I say as I vote for one party to control every branch of government who will rewrite the rules to ensure that even if they lose future elections they will remain in control of the country in perpetuity.
"Socialism is fucked up because you have no choice. See, in a socialist country, you only have the choice of government health care. But in a capitalist society, you have *unlimited choice* in insurance plans you can't afford that will try to dodge paying your bills anyway."
"In Communist countries, the government listens to everything you say and will persecute you if they don't like your politics."
Is this Belarus? No. It's Bergen County, NJ. 15 minutes from NYC.
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