OH MY GOD https://twitter.com/louisathelast/status/1320379801757192198
Gonna just gesture to this thread https://twitter.com/khandozo/status/806171938234077184?s=21
My thread refers to American history, but I don’t think it’s irrelevant to Tory evil either.
Oh, re: “don’t eat” so your kids can; there’s already research on this. When a hetero nuclear family doesn’t have enough food, typically the dad still eats enough and the kids get the next most and mom gets the least.
I'm looking for a source on this; my brain does this thing where I remember pretty much everything I read that I find at all interesting, but I often can't remember names or sources.
Children are aware of food insecurity and will try to help their families. https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/141/6/1114/4600285
A lot of research on American hunger and gender at the moment is about single mother headed households and the structural burden placed on single mothers of course means they're more likely to be hungry.
From a chapter on food insecurity in wealthy democracies in the book Global Agenda for Social Justice: "There are several demographic categories notable for the consistency of their association with food insecurity across time and across countries." (cont'd)
(cont'd) "These are: 'low income' for household income level; 'female' for gender; 'Indigenous' or 'minority' for ethnicity; and 'sole-parent' (especially female-headed) for household structure." (cont'd)
"The consistency of these categories indicates the systemic nature of significant drivers of food insecurity in rich liberal democracies."
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