1/9 In a world characterised by growing levels of anxiety, intolerance and uncertainty, here’s a short #Thread that might just help you see things differently. First posted in 2018, it seems even more pertinent, today. #DownsSyndromeAwarenessMonth
@Wouldntchangea1 @DSScotland
2/9 I can't recall a day when I have not thought or spoken about Finlay. He is our youngest child. So today, As we enter the final week of Down’s Syndrome Awareness Month, I choose to write about Rona, Emily, Grant and Vicki.
3/9 You see, in the days after the birth of our youngest child so many people offered support, encouragement and love. Amidst the cacophony of all of that kindness and the occasional unsolicited advice, an older friend shared with me a wise and beautiful truth:
4/9 “In the years that lie ahead” he said, “watch how your other children grow and become very socially aware individuals, observe them become defenders of diversity and promoters of equality.
5/9 “Allow yourself to feel some pride as they grow up with a unique insight and understanding of what it means to live in a world where you are perceived as different.” He wasn't wrong, that wise older friend.
6/9 Today, and every day, I burst with pride at the way Vicki, Grant, Emily and Rona embrace their younger brother who just happens to have Down’s Syndrome. Each has a very special and unique relationship with him and they love him dearly and are loved in return a hundred fold.
7/9 I have watched them play, learn, laugh, cry and get frustrated with their younger brother in equal measure and as they now find their own place in the world, I have seen them tackle prejudice, spread understanding and promote inclusion.
8/9 They are each facing their own challenges and successes in their chosen and different paths but they are connected by a golden thread of kindness, tolerance and social justice.
9/9 So this week as we conclude Down’s Syndrome Awareness Month, I choose to celebrate all of my children and all siblings – Vicki, Grant, Emily, Rona and, of course, Finlay.
#WouldntChangeAThing #SiblingsMatterToo #TheRealChangeMakers #Family #ProudMumAndDad #Happy
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