When is it the turn of women and children fleeing their homes to be not just “flavour of the day” but THE issue of the year?
When is it the turn of homeless people to be not just someone we care about at Christmas but throughout the year?
When is it the turn of hungry children
to be campaigned for, not just during this Pandemic? (No shade to @MarcusRashford who has done/is doing such wonderful work)
When is it the turn of disabled people to be constantly and public campaigned for day after day?
When is it the turn of vulnerable women in refuges,
prisons, hospitals?
When is it the turn of the young boys who are struggling?

There is only one issue that I have seen EVER be so passionately campaigned for by politicians, huge companies, charities (not there for that cause at all) etc. Only one issue that I have EVER seen so
many men aggressively, sneeringly and violently support. Only one issue where I have seen it acceptable for men to make consistent violent threats and women cheering them on. Only one issue where women who’s been abused already are fair game. Where women who has lost their
children is fair game. Where women who’s had cancer is fair game. Where women who’s died are fair game.

When is it our turn? When do women, children, the disabled, the homeless, the old, have everyone consistently and loudly champion us?

My situation involve 4 of those
demographics. The only championing I have had are by women (and some men) who are not famous, not rich, not powerful. I have reached out to politicians, charities, councils. But we do not tick the right fashionable box.

The people that do tick that box are the ones
who attack us, day after day after day. The ones who want to end Womens Sports, the ones who tell women like me that I am not kind enough, not caring enough, that saying NO is a form of violence and discrimination. That caring about all the above and more is bigotry. That
asking questions is exclusionary. That refusing to be gaslit is aggression.

So I ask again, when is it our turn to be championed for?
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