Since Halloween is coming up, this is a thread on why you shouldn’t dress up as a ninja for Halloween and I will provide specific examples
1. The reason is because it’s cultural appropriation. Ninjas belong to one and distinct culture which is Japanese culture
Ninjas have a long standing role in Japanese history and was prevalent to Japanese society
It’s not a just a “profession”. It’s a profession with cultural significance
2. Here are some examples of ninja costumes that you shouldn’t wear
There is another problem with these costumes. It’s sexualizes asian culture and there is a long standing history of asian culture being sexualized and fetishized
You can search up “slutty ninja costume” or “adult ninja costume women’s” and these will show up
Many people will argue with and say these are mortal combat costumes or LEGO ninjago costumes but that is wrong. You can simply search up the female characters of MK and those costumes look nothing like what their wearing
3. The reason I made this thread was because of this tiktok and all the people in the comments were justifying it and saying people are sensitive
Here are some of the comments
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