Islamophobia - Violence
What's happening right now because it seems when it comes to muslims no one gives a shît
1. Stabbing of two Muslim women

Two days ago two Muslim women were repeatedly stabbed near the eiffel tower by white women shouting "dirty arabs" for no single reason
2. Disrespectful Cartoons of our beloved prophet muhammad ((عليه الصلاة والسلام)(peace upon him)) shown on government buildings
When he was confronted about the issue
He said"We will not give up cartoons, drawings, even if others back down"saluting"one of these teachers that we do not forget" during a speech in the courtyard of the Sorbonne,a symbolic place of the spirit of the Enlightenment and teaching
3. Also, The French police raided a Muslim school and shut down 75 others they raided a Muslim funeral service following Macron's speech.
4. Three mosques in France vandalized and threatened
I'm pretty sure most would ignore this thread just because it seems irrelevant to them but if it was a larry thread or a 1D or whatever most of you would run to see the thread but when it comes to those issues people act as if they were blind
The least you could do is retweet and let others acknowledge this issue
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