Trump claiming doctors, nurses, and first responders are profiting from false COVID diagnosis.

Wrong, of course.

But, what if it was true? Republicans WANT medicine to be for profit. That's their entire argument against universal healthcare.

Trump's complaint is FOR it.
Trump: "You know some countries they report differently. If somebody is sick with a heart problem and they die of COVID they say they died of a heart problem. It somebody is terminally ill with cancer and they have COVID, uh, we report 'em, uh, and you know..."

"...doctors get more money and hospitals get more money, think of this incentive, so some countries do it differently, if somebody is very sick with a bad heart they die of COVID they don't get reported as COVID, so then you wonder, gee, I wonder why their cases are so low?"

"This country and their reporting systems are really not doing it right if somebody has a really bad heart and they're close to death, even if they're not, but they have a very bad heart and they get COVID, they put it down to COVID other countries put it down to a heart.."

" we have to be, uh, so we're gonna start looking at things, because, you know, they have bac...they have things a little bit backwards."

Trump literally telling you that doctors and hospitals profit from making a false COVID diagnose.

Trump is not only LITERALLY saying that hospitals get more money if they diagnose someone of having died from COVID instead of a heart problem or cancer, but they are doing so on purpose in order to make more money.

This is ridiculously wrong, of course.

Ludicrously wrong.

This statement doesn't stand up to even the mildest scrutiny. If you know anything whatsoever about cancer or long term cardiac treatment, you know why Trump's statement makes absolutely no sense in any fashion.

Moreover, neither cancer nor a heart condition are necessarily terminal. You might live years with both. You can recover from both. But if you're undergoing cancer treatments and you get COVID-19, then it's a lot more likely to kill you.

But, what if it was true?

What if we paid doctors and nurses and First Responders by the number of COVID cases they handled?

You get a million bucks for every case.

Sure. Why not? A million bucks for every COVID case. And nobody checks to see if you're cheating.

Where's that money come from?

Who cares. Not important. Somebody, the insurance industry, the government, the patient, George Soros, somebody has to pay. A million bucks for every COVID case.

Hospitals cash in, right? Easy money.

They clear out the lobby, storerooms, the hallways and put in COVID beds. Everybody who comes through the the door gets diagnosed with COVID. Everybody gets rich, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, the receptionist, the administors, the stockholders. COVID for everybody!


Well, isn't it?

Republicans WANT medicine to be for profit.

They don't want any government oversight or interference. No government healthcare. No regulations.

Hell, they are right now bad-mouthing the CDC for telling people how to manage an infectious disease.

The Free Market will sort it out, that's what they tell us.

They demand for-profit medicine.

It's the ONLY healthcare system Republicans will accept.

That's their ENTIRE OBJECTION to universal healthcare. Not just no profit, no obscenely high profits.

Trump's complaint, "doctors get more money and hospitals get more money" is literally -- LITERALLY -- an argument AGAINST EVERYTHING REPUBLICANS STAND FOR.

Trump's comments are literally -- LITERALLY -- the single most compelling argument FOR NATIONAL, UNIVERSAL, NON-PROFIT HEALTHCARE.

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