Honestly, listening to Freddy McConnell today abusing grieving mothers for being supposedly transphobic is just too much for my stomach. I actually feel physically sick. Here we have a person who rejects their female biological reality, takes on the term trans man to describe
themselves; yet has a child; goes to court to deny the child the right to have its birth mother listed as its mother; loses; and is here today berating a charity set up to help mothers who have lost babies for apologising for referring to mothers as ‘birthing parents’; berating
grieving women for objecting to this for totally understandable reasons. Freddy wants inclusivity so long as it includes them, who thank god has NOT lost a baby, but wants to take away the word mothers from women who HAVE lost babies because it troubles them! If this is not the
definition of pure narcissism I know fuck all about psychology. Truthfully I want to vomit. I’ve never lost a child but I can imagine some of the inconsolable grief that this must bring. If we cannot afford to word mother to these women then I’m retiring from society altogether
And to make matters worse every bloody charity, every politician, every political party, every company, every organisation who upholds trans ideology is a party to this unbelievable fucking gaslighting of women. ENOUGH!!
I didn’t think it was possible to be more peak transed than I already have been. But my god this one, in its deep cruelty, insensitivity and utter bullshit, takes the sorry prize.
What it amounts to is this; “I’m so deeply hateful of my female reality I’m going to make all you other women suffer with me’. 😳
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