Habits you should develop: ⬇️

(From “least” to “most important”)
-make your bed as first thing in the morning
-Writing (blogging about smth you love and post it)
-clean your room/your place/decorate it as you want(posters/colouring walls, figurines, etc

-practice (physically) a skill (a skateboard for ex)
-learn an instrument
-Eating On a 8
hour window per day
-learn a language
-learn how to cook
-Go yo sleep/Wake up earlier
-Reading/listen to audio books
-Keep a diary
-grooming (hair, skin, get a flagrance too)
-be mindful of your words
-telling yourself/write down positive affirmations about yoursel
f everyday
-use a bullet journal to organise your life
-watch self-improvement videos on YouTube!!
-read self improvement books
-drink only water, no more soda’s
-keep track of your finances (have a budget for every month and never cross it)

-Working On my
my own projects

You can follow @inRaixbows.
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