The Black race is the dumpsite & scapegoat of all human filth, everyone cheats & abuses but its the Black man wearing the face of a dangerous man,every race has prostitutes & hoes but its the Black woman wearing the face of a bitch,every race steals & robs but its the Black...
man wearing the face of a criminal,every race has dirty unhygienic people but its the Black society tagged with the badge of untidiness,every race becomes unruly & vandalises but its the Black society renowned for being destructive to property & infrastructure....
Every race has loud,angry,mentally challenged people but its the Black society gagged for being a too loud,angry & frustrated race,every race has less skilled ,unproductive people but its the hardworking,innovative cheap labor Black race underrated,disconsidered & deprived....
for being "lazy"...every race has a flawed concept of beauty but its the melanin being manipulated to exterminate itself so it can score some beauty marks,every race is prone to disease & illness but people are scared they might catch ghonerrea by shaking an African's hands...
Every race is illiterate to some other language & its literature but its Africans scorned for being backward minded!
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