Not sure people realise how bad things are getting in Belgium

🔸17,709 tests yesterday
🔸Cases per 100,000 is - 1,115.6
🔸Almost 600 hospital admissions yesterday, was 100 a day only 3 weeks - nearly as high first time round
🔸Deaths up to 74 on Friday, 3 weeks ago was 6 deaths
Add to this

🔸Hospitals are filling up, patients in some parts being transferred elsewhere
🔸Some patients being discharged early
🔸Suggestion some patients in next few weeks will have tio be treated outside Belgium
🔸Non #coronavirus treatment being cancelled or postponed
AND THERE IS THIS, in Liege, in southern Belgium, 20% of hospital workers are sick or too exhausted to show up

"In March we had no masks and no protective equipment. Now that we've got them, we don't have enough people to put them on"
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