. @StefPreissner please listen to survivors & advocates,who started the campaign, instead of telling followers opposition have muddied the waters,It undermines their voice &agency &many have spoken of the pain it's caused. Please don't perpetuate this narrative on your IG video/1
We have a long history of people in positions of influence using their voice to defend the status quo. To defend politicians & speaking over survivors & victims. Please listen to the victims, survivors & advocates,who have no political motivation,before contributing to that /2
The point that you cant legislate in a day isnt a fair representation of the Situation. Amendments could have been taken to make this really bad, really damaging bill a little bit less harmful for survivors. This was not the only way. /3
@cmcgettrick is an adoptee, co founder of @adoptionrights @maglaundries, with @clann_project and she set up the email campaign that drove the oppositions arguments. She speaks here of the harm this narrative has caused https://twitter.com/cmcgettrick/status/1320058551046447116?s=19
Claire's personal lived experience of the barriers facing people that this legislation failed to address https://twitter.com/cmcgettrick/status/1319758361747951616?s=19
@maeveorourke a tireless advocate for survivors & victims explaining the harm caused by the narrative that this campaign was opposition spreading misinformation https://twitter.com/maeveorourke/status/1320060224745672706?s=19
@Ka_ODonnell who has worked with survivors since 2009 speaking about how damaging the narrative that their campaign was opposition spreading misinformation is https://twitter.com/Ka_ODonnell/status/1320045147615277057?s=19
Simon McGarr on the legal implications around GDPR & debunking points made by government https://twitter.com/Tupp_Ed/status/1319419621439606789?s=19
A podcast with Noelle Brown, a survivor who has tried for years to access her own records including information on wether she was used in medical trials as a child https://twitter.com/Trickstersworld/status/1318969335948468225?s=19
The wishes of another survivor

Adoptee led @aitheantas has created the fastest growing petition in Irish history. Please don' t talk over survivors &victims of this system @StefPreissner . Use your platform to challenge why amendments weren't taken to give survivors a voice https://twitter.com/aitheantas/status/1320159361130528768?s=19
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