When you speak about critical, controversial and divisive topics in the public domain, you need to develop a thick skin.

(Thread 👇)
People, generally, are trigger happy with their tongues. They will label you with names, question your integrity and honesty, judge you at every step and pass sarcastic and negative remarks.
This happened with everyone in history who did not follow the “pied piper like a rat” and tried to swim against the flow of the river of “public opinion”.
You need an internal defense mechanism that shields you from such brazen attacks. This internal defense mechanism is your patience and resilience.
Be strong, be patient, be resilient and be thankful for the fact that Allah has given you the ability to stand tall like a tree with deep roots and a strong stem that is not easily rooted out in the winds and floods of “normality”.

May Allah make us strong on the straight path.
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