Thinking about where the UK is now politically and thinking how 1971 currency decimilisation would have been absolutely impossible to implement now. There would be a complete culture war meltdown against it.
The process towards decimilisation began in 1963 culminating in the 1969 Decimal currency act. If the current environment was transplanted to the 1960s, all hell would be breaking loose from the usual suspects stoking up the 40%. Decimilisation would be politically impossible.
The same with the 1964-70 Labour social reforms on capital punishment, homosexuality, abortion, theatre censorship etc. Would be politically impossible now, indeed if the Tories were to start rolling them back, they would gain serious support, particularly on the death penalty.
It's incredible to think how much the political landscape has regressed as a result of a generation who enjoyed as young people the social reforms of Labour in the 60s as well as the post war economic landscape.
We have a conceit that we're more progressive now than in the past and certainly many attitudes have changed for the better but on the *political* plane dominated by a billionaire media and compliant national media, the UK has dangerously regressed and its only going to get worse
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