Things about Islam that I argued with a friend.

I'm doing this for keepsake so i can find it easily but it's good knowledge to share😘
does God really exists?
how valuable are women in Islam?
will non-muslims enter Heaven?
can we abandon our parents if they're causing us harm?
is family planning considered 'menolak rezeki'?
why can't we just pray whenever we want?
can we follow other mazhabs?
sources part 1 https://twitter.com/GatoCannon/status/1320358372198154241
sources part 2 https://twitter.com/gatocannon/status/1320358462996451330
sources part 3 https://twitter.com/GatoCannon/status/1320358517669199873
can a married man say he's single?
was the Prophet PBUH a feminist?
what does aid (in cause of) Allah means?
can you read Quran when you're not covered?
is it wrong to question religion?
what if it's prewritten by God that i'm going to Hell?
was Big Bang explained in the Quran?
was there any proof of dinasours in the Quran?
should i just force myself to pray?
was Sulaiman AS a vegetarian?

*mistakes on the name. it should be Sulaiman, not Musa AS
can you tell someone they're going to Hell for their sins?

"orang bunuh diri ni confirm neraka"
"ahli neraka dia ni tanya soalan mcm kafir"
is it true that after Sirat, people will claim your pahala to enter Heaven?
how does the above applies if someone talked behind your back?
what's the true function of ta'liq?
does marital rape exists in Islam?
marital rape part 2

*relating to hadith that says wife will be condemned by angels if you refuse sex
can a wife ask for divorce?

*also relating to a hadith
are killings allowed in the name of God allowed?

killing apostate (ex muslims) that doesn't harm you
is it wrong to sleep with your back facing your husband?

again, relating to a hadith

*overlooking mistakes in this context means forgiving after communicating
if something is wajib, does that mean we don't have free will?
free will part 2
forgiveness in Islam
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