Why Men’s Rights Activists have it all wrong.

[A Thread]

MRAs have made it their little passion project to diss on feminism & like to cancel systematic oppression of women by outlier crimes committed by women.

They’re not fighting for men, they’re fighting for their egos.
MRAs in India love to ask women what about male victims?

The reason we don’t have laws to protect male victims of sexual harassment is because patriarchy has put women as the one needing protection - it is patriarchy doesn’t recognise that men can be victims or need protection.
Let’s look at the data:

Acc. to a 2010-12 study by CDC in US, 1 in 17 men reported being r@ped at some point in their lives.

Among these, 86.5% reported that the perpetrators was a male.

This means that even when a man are victims, the perpetrator is often another man.
The main reason fewer men come forward is that people assume they should be invulnerable, they should fight back.

They must have allowed it – so they must be homosexual. Male victims are questioned about their sexual orientation & masculinity - doesn’t this reek of patriarchy?
The majority of criminals are males. Victims are not treated right because of patriarchy.

And somehow villains are feminists Feminists have been speaking against patriarchy long before MRA was even a thing.

Feminists are not taking away your rights, you never had it. Go figure.
P.S. Please pardon the many typos in this thread.

The arguments presented by MRAs are so stupid, they make my head hurt. I’ve ignored the many that landed up on my TL since yesterday to write this thread and I consider it an achievement.
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