What is happening now with all the Trump parades and rallies is an unparalleled political movement in American history

It's been brewing for decades of patriots seething while corrupt politicians and other so called leaders and elites infested every single institution in America https://twitter.com/JoeShikhman/status/1320051228760559616
These are the real and decent Americans who held deep belief in their country's goodness and did not want to be forming militant mobs the way Europe and Asia rose in the last century

Until they were pushed too far. More on this later
The infestation came from the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL. Remember this

The big battle early in the history of the USSR was between Trotsky who advocated world communism and Stalin who advocated national communism

When Stalin won Trotskyists ran West

They found fertile ground in Europe because communism is not Russian, it was invented in France and Germany.

The French revolution was the first round and the most radical faction known as Jacobins was orchestrated the order of the I L L. U min. Ati

They have it as a mission and specialize in overthrowing social orders.

They did it to the Ancien Regime of France - the pinnacle of human civilization at the time

Then they executed the monarchy and the aristocracy and unleashed the reign of terror
When it was revealed how big of a disaster of the new order of these radicals was, a genius young general became disillusioned and staged a coup d'etat.

His name was Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon quickly moved to restore order, rebuild the country, reinstate the Church and proclaim himself emperor

In effect be restored the Ancien Regime, but with a much more capable ruler

When he was accused of being a child of the revolution be said

Fast forward to 1860-70, the German monarchy wanted to expand East and the Russian monarchy was in their way

Germany funded the same radical movements which had overthrown the French monarchy, but in Russia

3 revolutions followed and WW1 until the Russian monarchy fell
Immediately the same red terror and Russian society was subjected to the same radical experiment with even more disastrous results

This time instead of a Napoleon, Stalin seized control of the USSR

He purged the opposing international faction which was affiliated with the West
When these people ran West, they ingratiated themselves into anti-fascist movements which now the USSR funded to combat the rise of this right wing collectivist movement across Europe

As WW2 broke out, many of these people ran to America and infiltrated there
After Stalin died (was killed), international communism regained control of the USSR and continued cooperating with their agents in the West

The infiltration of the USA and Europe was organized and funded from the USSR and was a major part of the cold war
This is very well described by the KGB agent Bezmenov who flipped and blew the whistle

If you haven't seen it. Listen to every single word he says
A major part of this infiltration was the takeover of both major political party in the USA - Democrat and Republican and setting up of communist party branches

The Democrat party being the collectivist and evil party historically was more suited for carrying the agenda
The Republican party was corrupted by Trotskyists named Leo Strauss and Kristol and others who branded their new movement Neoconservative to replace the actual conservatives and play controlled opposition while Democrats carry out the agenda

Does it all make sense now?
Simultaneously with this American academia, culture (hollywood), media, government were all infiltrated with communist agents

They waited as sleeper moles and after the cold war ended they were ready to act

Bush senior proclaimed that it was a time for a new world order
A slew of global agreements were pushed forward - NAFTA, WTO and many others

They amount to ending national sovereignty and replacing it with you guessed it - the same vision of the radicals who were behind the French revolution and the USSR
In Europe - a continent of many small countries where these radicals were from, they easily executed their plan and created the supranational European Union, which really is a resurrection of the USSR but in the West
In the USA, it was much more difficult to execute this plan because the USA is big and the most powerful sovereign state in the world

It also has the constitution - a document written precisely to safeguard against the tyranny of these radicals exactly when they ruined France
And now we arrive to the present situation in which after Ronald Reagan followed only presidents who were agents of this plan to end the American constitution and surrender its sovereignty to international socialism like European nation states surrendered to the EUSSR
For decades this covert sinister plot was advancing in the shadows and American citizens are unaware of its existence

They lived well in the greatest country in history and had no reason to rise and change it

But as the plot advanced it started seriously damaging the Republic
Obama had signed the final deals which amounted to this - TPP, TPIP and the Paris accord

Had these been ratified, there was no turning back without violence

America's wealth would be siphoned away and the rights of its citizens stripped away while they end up enslaved
Only one person managed to overcome this chokehold of every institution and break the spell by culturejamming the enemy's media and barely managing to become president against vehement opposition

That person was Donald Trump
He immediately exited TPP, TPIP and Paris accord and blew up the entire plan for effectively ending the USA and establishing international communism to rule all of the West and its colonies

For this he was made enemies number one
Him, his family, all his associates and his supporters have been subjected to the biggest political persecution in American history

We suffered the abuse quietly for 4 years. Censorship, firings, physical attacks, terror mobs

And we are fed up and we are rising loudly
This is what MAGA is

It is American patriots taking their country back from the most malicious evil force ever known to humanity

November 3rd we reaffirm this and we proceed with restoring law and order and all our institutions to serve US THE AMERICAN CITIZENS

Smash communism
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