Many people keep asking the meaning of some terms we use on this side of Twitter. Here is a small thread on it as per my limited knowledge. Please feel free to correct me if wrong.

Note: I have only elaborated it in our Indian context.

Based- Unapologetic, rooted and against the tide.

Trad- Traditionalist Hindu who believes in rituals, scriptures, stans Manusmriti, believes in Varna by birth and is a tribalist.

Mleccha- In modern definition any non-Hindu.

Redpill- Absolute truth which leads to awakening.
Whitepill- Positive or Optimistic tweets/ news/ msg which fills one with hope.

Chadpill- subset of Whitepill includes flexing.

Bluepill- Status quo

Blackpill- Naked truth kind of tweets/ news/ msg which kill hope.

Bh*sdapill- subset of Blackpill, pure pessimistic tweets.
Chad/ Bvll- Adjectives used as hyperbole to show immense appreciation or to hype someone up.

NrX- Neo reactionaries. Meaning is complex but overall they are Trads who aren't experts in scriptures (most of us).

Blps- Blackpillers. Usually distribute blackpills. Small in numbers.
Intellectual Trads- Experts in scriptures, rituals, history or dharmik g.k.

Elders- 30+ in age/ intellectuals/ our guide.

Patrollers- ones who attack handles who speak against Hindu cause.

Madlads- subset of patrollers who don't care about suspension of their handle.
Generals- ones who decide on major attacks, wars, doxx, etc and guide the patrollers.

Artcels- meme artists

Videocels- Video makers

Ms/Sulla/k2a- Trad lingo for ☪️

Cs/Pretas- Trad lingo for ✝️

Ps- Blp lingo for ☪️

Xs- Blp lingo for ✝️

Fs- Blp lingo for foreigners.
There are many words will come and go but these are the basics. I could have given examples by tagging handles but that would threaten those guys. Learn.

You can follow @raizada55.
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