i’m sure all domestic violence victims will be pleased to hear that even if they have recordings of their abuser admitting to violence, gaslighting them into believing they are crazy and no one will believe them if they speak out, telling them that they are a baby for always
walking away and not fighting back, that it won’t help them at all if their abuser is a basic racist white women who happened to play a loved fictional comic book character. i’m sure they will be thrilled to know if they once, just once vented in a horrible way to their friend in
private they will be vilified and called an abuser themselves because years of torture does absolutely nothing to someone’s state of mind and this actresses supporters are practically perfect in every way having never had a dark intrusive thought in their life. if they protected
their abuser at all they will be blamed for their own injuries even if medical records and professionals said otherwise. all her victims will have to stand in court and tell the world that they where abused, had their own children used and their sexual assault stories stolen to
only be ignored because that abuser once starred in a million dollar movie. the same fans and supporters will be the first in line to bully and hound their followers and other twitter users into the ground if their favourite makes a simple mistake and has since grown from it.
what does it take for people to realise they are harming victims by continuing to stand by and even help this woman abuse her victims. celebrity worship at its worst when not even six victims can stop people from loving their abuser and justifying what they were put through.
amber heard won’t love you in return, she won’t thank you with sincerity, she won’t grown or learn. she’ll just continue to use everyone around her until her victims are forgotten because they weren’t the perfect victim and only they will have to live with that for the rest of
their lives. amber heard will forget them and you’ll grow and forget her but she’ll continue to abuse those around her because you once enabled her and she never faced the consequences of her actions. is she really worth it?
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