Haha, time to limit what you can do in an open rogue like game to own the chuds.

Fucking hate partisan politics in video games. Should stress the partisan bit or else some self-righteous nut will go on about how that one game I love is political. https://twitter.com/rukacollie/status/1319903291661185024
Fucking, why no game has surpassed New Vegas in 10-fucking-years. Games can deliver some sort of political message or criticise ideas, but when it's partisan all you're going to do is divide your potential fanbase and make it age terribly. Also, Kek and Pepe are apparently racist
And we should know my opinion on the "JoKeS hAvE cOnSeQuEnCeS" bit.
There should be consequence of character, not getting kicked out and banned from any future discussion by some higher power.
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